Between 5mths to 6mths is when puppies have a need to chew because they are switching from their set of baby teeth to adult ones. We have been giving him those pencil like raw hide sticks which he loves, however he goes through a stick in 15 mins. As we were at the local pet store to get him some more, we learned that those raw hide which is what those sticks were made off is very bad for their digestive system. They are difficlut to process, and too much accumulation in their intestines can cause problems. So is is suggested that you stick to natural chews like bones, beef tendons. I think beef tendons are the best since it is lower in fat compared to all the pig ears and piggy related products. So this is Bailey's new found love ....

I had to get him this tendon, it was just too funny. Sorry mom :).

All the slippers at home are happier after Bailey found "Flossies" tendon. Bailey completely ignores the slipper we purposely lay beside him. He would be all over it before.

Here are some pictures of other great chew products, a real bone and bully stick which is also a cow's penis! but they are completely digestible.
Omg you gave him a cow's penis. thats just wrong in so many ways! and yes, the flossies look great...make sure he stays away from my shoes!
Wow! I am famous. Thought candy floss and flossy buns in SJ latest cake shop were good enough.
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