Monday, August 20, 2007

The Devil he's not

MORE pictures of the devil...
Ben and Winnie came over to our place for lunch and to visit Bailey today. They brought cake and the cutest devil outfit for the little one. Bailey had the weirdest reaction towards that outfit, as soon as we put it on he completely freezes and refuse to move. He will not move for treats, watermelon, toys nothing. So we think this outfit magically turns Bailey into the best behaved lap dog in an instant. Here are some pictures of him in the outfit.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Paper Schnauzer

Third time today, and he fled again. I am going to get this dog.. He is now in house arrest and lost all doggie rights to roam the house.

This paper schnauzer is getting swifter, and had fled the crime scene this time.

This is the first crime scene a few weeks ago, the criminal was still caught on site.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Bailey playing with Persia

Bailey made a new friend the other day. Since it was blogged about already. I will save myself some typing and just you guys to the post.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Petit lamp shade

Bailey is recovering well from surgery. He is back to his jumpy self. He has to keep this headgear on so that he does not chew on the sutures. We are back to taking him out for potty duty for the next 10 days, as he needs to be supervised from strenuous activities.

He is back to his puppy way of elimination, no signs of marking his territory since the surgery.
Wonder if only dogs which are not neutered aim for the fire hydrant?

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Ouch..I lost my family jewels

Bailey has quickly grown into a young adult when he feels the need to mark every vertical post he sees. I use to think why is my male puppy not lifting his leg to piss, is he not manly enough?? That changed overnight when he reached 6 months old when he first marked a spot during puppy school. The teacher advised us to get him neutered soon.

Today we send him to the vet to be neutered. We were suppose to pick him up tomorrow but was too eager to see how he is doing so we dropped by the animal hospital. The nurse there was giving us this look like what silly pet owners visiting a pet. Anyways, we went back to see how he was doing. It was a very sad sight to see him with this thing that looks like a lamp shade around his neck to prevent him from biting at the sutures. He was whimpering the whole time and bumping things with his lamp shade.

Well, we'll get to take him home tomorrow. Hopefully he will be better.